Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jealous Kourtney

Kourtney Kardashian is very jealous of her sister Kim, so jealous in fact that when Kim’s boyfriend, Reggie Bush told her he was going to propose to Kim over the holidays she screamed at him and told him he couldn’t propose to her because she’s going to give birth to her baby any day now and she doesn’t want any of the limelight to be stolen away from her. Her reaction caught Reggie off guard, but he didn’t want to fight with a pregnant lady so he agreed to wait until the New Year to propose to Kim. There’s always been underlying tension because Kourtney feels like she’s been playing second fiddle to Kim for so long. She was hoping that the last days of her pregnancy and the first few weeks with her newborn would be all about her. How selfish of her.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Athlete Of The Decade

Tiger Woods a été nommé golfeur de l'année par les chroniqueurs de golf américains. (Photo Getty)
Some good news for Tiger Woods. The Associated Press has named him Athlete of the Decade. Tiger received 56 of the 142 votes cast by editors at various U.S. newspapers. About half the votes came in after Tiger's Thanksgiving weekend debacle so obviously, a lot of people overlooked it and voted strictly on Tiger's athletic achievements. The AP says, quote, "For 10 incomparable years, no one ruled a sport like Woods. He won 64 times around the world, including 12 majors, and hoisted a trophy on every continent golf is played. He lost only one time with the lead going into the final round. His 56 PGA Tour victories in one incomparable decade were more than anyone except four of golf's greatest players won in their careers.” Lance Armstrong finished second with 33 votes . . . followed by tennis stud Roger Federer with 25, and aquatic stoner Michael Phelps with 13. Tom Brady rounded out the top 5 with six votes.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Home Sweet Marijuana

Apparently Lil Wayne is trying to sell his place in Miami, but he isn’t having much luck because it smells like marijuana. Someone who was interested in the place said that the agent told him, quote, "I have two questions: Are you offended by the smell of marijuana? And do you mind coming late in the afternoon? It's currently rented by Lil Wayne, and these are not morning people." Apparently when this person went to see the place it did in fact smell like weed and had several of Lil Wayne’s entourage just hanging out.

Nobody Wants Chris Brown's New Album

Brown isn’t doing a very good job of controlling his anger and if I might add he never did. It has come to Chris Brown’s attention that some stores are not stacking his new album, Graffiti, and he’s not happy about it. On Friday, Chris ranted on Twitter, tweeting,and I quote "I'm tired of this crap. Major stores are blackballing my CD. Not stockin' the shelves and lying to costumers. What the fuck do I gotta do . . ."

He continued tweeting, "WTF . . . yeah I said it and I ain't retracting crap3. I'm not biting my tongue about this crap . . . the industry can kiss my ass." "For those people who are constantly tweeting me with bull crap . . . hop off my ****. Your life is pointless. For the young fans: Honestly, sorry for all the cursing. All my real fans: Love you . . . thanks for everything."

Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh Tiger !

Tiger Woods a été victime d'un grave accident de voiture dans la nuit du 26 au 27 novembre 2009.I guess you guys have heard about the Tigers Woods saga by now, well a porno star named Holly Sampson is one of the many women who've supposedly slept with Tiger Woods. She hosted a live chat on a porno site earlier this year where she claimed she was having an affair with Tiger . . . and went into explicit detail. And by explicit, I really mean EXPLICIT.

Holly says she met Tiger at a bachelor party . . . and he was "really good" in bed. She said he would "die" if he knew she was on the internet talking about their sex life . . . but she doesn't care, because it's "not a big mystery.” She also said she can't remember Tiger Woods ever performed oral on her, but she does recall that he would "finish" in his condom. The show host asks porno star Holly Sampson if she and Tiger Woods had sex doggy style . . . and she says they didn't.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Strange Stalker

Justin Timberlake won a restraining order against a woman named Karen McNeil. Karen showed up to Justin’s front door and wouldn't leave, Justin's security team called the police. One of the Security guard says that Karen showed up in a cab with the trunk filled with clothing and other items. He explains, "Ms. McNeil, who appeared to be to be disheveled, stated in an irrational rambling manner, some bizarre story involving herself, Mr. Timberlake and alleged mutual friends." Upon arrest, the "mentally unstable celebrity stalker" was taken to a local hospital and discharged when it was determined she was not a danger to herself or others.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Trust Me I Am A Doctor

This is so Weird: Dr. Phil is being sued by a woman who claims he held her captive inside his production office and touched her breast. Shirley Dieu, says she sought therapy from Dr. Phil back in 2007. But instead of treating her, Shirley says he tried to brainwash her and he forced her to endure physical and emotional abuse. In one instance, Dr. Phil allegedly locked Shirley in a room with a completely naked man, who, quote, "exposed his entire naked body, genitals and all." She also claims he, quote, "touched her left breast during a therapy session". Shirley is also saying he lied about being a real doctor because he's not licensed to practice in California. There's no word on how much money she's sueing him for.

Scandals Are Also Good For Ratings

One thing is for sure! A scandal is good for ratings! Since David Letterman admitted to having a sexual relationship with more than one of his past employees on the Late Show his ratings have gone through the roof. Last Thursday 5.8 million people tuned in when Dave announced the extortion plot against him. On Monday, when Dave publically apologized to his wife Regina, 5.7 million people watched. There has been more information has about the man who threatened to expose Dave’s little affair with Stephanie Birkitt. As it turns out Robert Halderman wasn't only going for $2 million but also wanted revenge. He wanted to make Dave miserable, and he wanted to hurt Stephanie as well, because she broke his heart.

Stephanie, the woman in this story, has now been banned from going onto the CBS set where the Late Show is filmed.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

New iPod

There have been rumors for month for a new iPod. But now its finally comfirmed. It was during the iPod Annual Conference as the cofounder of Apple ended the rumours. This is what's new:

- The 5th generation of ipod Nano now includes a camera, a microphone, a screen a little bigger (2 to 2.2 inches) and an FM tuner. It would cost $ 149 for the 8GB and $ 179 for the 16GB.

- iTunes 9. It allows iPhone and iPod touch users to better organize the applications they have downloaded. It can also share songs and videos on a local network. A new feature, "Genius Mixes, recomends lists of songs by analyzing your collection.

He said other things, but I think I coverd the essentials. What do you think?

Watch Videos In Your Magazine

The future is now. With the advancement of dazzling new technologies, all sorts of new inventions make their way into our daily. But this one is incredible: watching videos on glossy paper!

from September, the U.S. magazine "Entertainment Weekly" will offer its readers the opportunity to watch videos between two readings of articles. The revolutionary screen, almost as thin as a sheet of paper, allow viewing of short clips.

The chip used for these videos is an improved version of those animated greeting cards singing. Who has ever offered a greeting card with a song in there? This is now the order of the past! With this new thechnology maybe some day we will have an animated calender. Who knows the details of the future? This days, everything seems possible ...

The magazine will be on shelves September 18 in cities from New York and Los Angeles ...

The price of these magazines has not yet been disclosed but it is expected that the addition of this new technology makes them more expensive to buy. Still can not believe it? To see for yourself follow this link ....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Dad Is MJ

A 26 year-old man claims he’s Michael Jackson’s son. This man lives in San Francisco and has a long name: Prince Michael Malachi Jet Jackson. He says he wants a DNA test to prove that Michael is his father. He has filed a creditor’s claim against Michael’s estate this week. He has also submitted a birth certificate that lists his father as one Michael Joseph Jackson of Indiana. "Prince Michael" claims that his "dad's" family knows he's telling the truth, but they, quote, "aggressively pressured" him not to make a claim against the estate. Wow People okay yea my father is Fernando Torres I can prove.

C-B Celebrating At Guys & Dolls

Yesterday Chris Brown was sentenced to five years probation for his assault on Rihanna. Last night, Chris celebrated the sentencing by hitting the Guys & Dolls nightclub in Las Angeles (yea what a nice way to celebrate). He was reportedly in a great mood and jumped on top of the back of the booth when Michael Jackson’s Dirty Diana came on. He was shaking people’s hands and taking pictures with fans all night. He was not drinking alcohol as that is a violation of his probation, but truth be told even being in the club was a violation. His probation order states that Chris has to, quote, "abstain from the use of all alcoholic beverages and stay out of places where they are the chief item of sale." But hey he didn't do anything bad so...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Stewie Gayffin

You might have noticed butStewie from Family Guy is definately gay. Seth McFarlane,creator of the show, has admitted that Stewie is gay. Seth, the show's creator, says they actually had an episode that went all the way to the script phase in which Stewie does come out. It had to do with the harassment he took from other kids at school. He ends up going back in time to prevent a passage in Leviticus from being written: 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind. It is an abomination.'" However, he said, "We decided it's better to keep it vague, which makes more sense because he's a 1-year-old. Ultimately, Stewie will be gay or a very unhappy repressed heterosexual. It also explains why he's so determined on killing [his mother, Lois] and taking over the
world: He has a lot of aggression, which comes from confusion and uncertainty about his orientation."

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Welcome Alberto !

As you know I am a Liverpool fan and this just in ! :Alberto Aquilani is officially a Red today, Liverpool confirmed the signing of Italian international midfielder Alberto Aquilani from Roma. Aquilani has signed a five-year contract at Anfield. The player is currently recovering from an operation on an ankle injury, and is expected to be fit in around four to eight weeks time. After Xabi Alonso's departure to Real Madrid Aquilani was the best player to replace him with is He's refined feet, and excellent positional sense and he also has a good shot on goal. The only probleme is his physical condition. Too often he has been out injured. In any case, he has the personality to play for a club like Liverpool, even if he will have to learn to be more consistent on the pitch. So as long as his not injured he'll be allright. Let's just hope that he will help Liverpool to win the title. Now Liverpool need another striker and we'll be set for next season wich by the way start August the 15th. Good luck to Aquilani and hope you make Liverpool proud.

Vanesse Hudgens Didn't Learn Her Lesson

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Micheal Jackson Pespi Accident Footage Leaked

Never seen footage of Micheal Jackson Pespi commercial accident have been leaked to the web. The Pepsi commercial shoot which put Michael Jackson in hospital with terrible burns has never been seen. In some way a weeks after his death, footage of the drama uncover has leaked.

The video shows MJ performing at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on January 27,1984 before 3,000 very excited fans. All goes well until the sixth take, when he descends from the back of the stage and suddunely battery of pyrotechnics explode precipitately. MJ can be seen bounding down the stairs, the top of his head clearly burning, before the crew hurry to his rescue.
MJ suffered third-degree burns on his scalp and body in the incident and was rushed to hospital.
After the video has been leaked, Pespi had this to say :
"We don't know how the footage became available. Twenty-five years later,we’d question why anyone would want to share such frightening images. It was a terrifying event that we'll never forget. We were grateful for Michael's recovery and for the chance to continue working with him on a number of successful projects. As for Michael as an artist, his music helped us define a generation and, like everyone else, we’re deeply saddened by his passing."

As far as attempting to retract the footage from the Internet, Bradley confesses that the footage may not even be owned by Pepsi and therefore, they have no rights to it: "We don't know what that footage is. It's 25 years ago. We don’t know who owns it, so we have no recourse as far as I know. I can only tell you what I know. We didn't put it up and we don't know where it came from."


What Exactly Was Obama Looking At ?

Obama Checking Out Girl

A photo of Barack Obama allegedly staring this girl called Mayara Tavares, a 17-year-old junior delegate to the G8 in Italy, has made peolple talking all over the web.

Here's the photo, in case you have not seen it. Looks a lot like the U.S. President and France President Nicolas Sarkozy are enjoying the view , no?

A video of the incident, released by ABC, shows that there was likely no ogling involved, rather, the President was snapped at this unfortunate angle at the wrong moment. So for those who still thinks that Obama was looking at that girl's ass : Obama was not looking; Sarkozy maybe. And if Obama was : that girl has No ass !

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Roger Federer Win His 15th Championship

Roger Federer wins his record 15th Grand Slam title at Wimbledon Tennis Championships on Sunday (July 5) in London, England.
15 major championships. By the way more than any man! The record was previously held by Pete Sampras with 14 championships.
The 27-year-old Swiss tennis champ, who I thought was spanish because of his name, beat Andy Roddick 5-7 7-6 7-6 3-6 16-14 in an epic Wimbledon match. If you watched tennis you would know what I'm talking about.
On Monday, Roger will reclaim the world number one spot from Rafael Nadal, who didn’t play this tournament because of a knee injury. Yea more like an excuse. Suck it up Rafeal and be a man.
Congrats, Roger !!! And even if I'm not really into tennis I still think you deserve to be # 1.

Micheal Jackson Rumours

With all the media attention given to Michael Jackson this past week and-a-half, certain media are seriously trying to come up with stories. Stories like this

  • Michael Jackson Tour: He’ll do shows as a hologram: Reports says that Michael's father Joe, along with MJ's brothers Jermaine, Tito, Marlon and Jackie, want to tour as the Jackson 5 with their brother Michael performing beside them as a hologram.

  • Jackson's secret girlfriend was his children's former nanny Grace Rwaramba :
    There are media claiming that his kids' former nanny, Grace Rwaramba, whoever that is, was involved in a 3-year secret relationship with the King of Pop and his children even called her "mom".

  • Michael Jackson to be buried without his brain :
    As crazy this sounds, it's reportedly been confirmed by the Los Angeles Coroners Department that Jackson's brain has been removed from his skull to perform neurological tests on the late King of Pop's grey matter. His brain tissue will be examined to reveal any past drug abuse and diseases. Neurological tests cannot be performed until two weeks after a person dies because the brain needs to harden, I read that on a medical site that I found on Google. Once the test results are in, the true cause of Jackson's death will finally be known. Tan ! Tan! Tan! Suspence. The media should be ashamed. Especially the news papers like 'The Sun', 'Mirror', and 'The Star'. Not intelligent enough to report on the actual news.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Angry Ronaldo

Lisbon, Portugal, on Sunday, FIFA world player of the year Cristiano Ronaldo, with his mother and sister, were photographed by a 17-year-old female fan, who had parked outside his apartment in hopes that she could get an autograph. Unfortunately Cristiano didn't like and kicked the window of her car, sending shards of glass everywhere and injuring the young fan.

His anger sent the poor girl straight to the hospital, where she told the story to the police. And Of course, the foobal star didn't have the balls to just apologize for what he had done. Instead, he attempted to justify by claiming the girl was working with a paparazzi photographer and had been stalking him for days "waiting for anything newsworthy to happen."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My First Vid

My first that I have did and Youtube nor daily motion wants to put it on their site because of copyrights and all that all bla bla bla so for people people who wanna watch here it is my video dedicated to the world's best striker : Fernando Torres.


Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Eminem And Brüno Incident At The 2009 MTV Movies Award

After the 2009 mtv movies award, Some have applaud the MTV Movie Awards gag, and others well... didn't.
For some it's hard to believe that Eminem actually agreed to do the gag. Eminem had commented on the incident by saying ''I'm thrilled that we pulled this off better than we rehearsed it", Sacha [Baron Cohen, a.k.a. Brüno ] called me when we were in Europe and he had an idea to do something outrageous at the Movie Awards. I'm a big fan of his work so I agreed to get involved with the gag." This comments on the stunt have certainly gotten fans talking.
The fans were divided on whether the gag was a hilarious display of good humor by Slim Shady or a bad look for a rapper. By my opinion, it's both.
Many people applauded Eminem and Brüno for pulling off the stunt so well. Some said "one of the best pranks of all time had so many people fooled including me. People were getting so emotional about it. Hell yeah, Shady, best prank ever." And others... lets just say you can't have everyone on your side.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Who would let this beast with anger management issues hold their baby??????
The kid dont look happy and I dont blame him
Reported woman beater Chris Brown was seen shopping in L.A and stoped to take a pic with a baby. I think he just took the pic with the kid to just clean his bad image that the peoples and the media have since the Rihanna event.
The women beater went into a pet store first and I hope he was not looking into getting a dog. They don't deserve abuse either!
Luckily the baby is okay. Poor baby

Sunday, May 10, 2009

RIHANNA !?! NUDE ?!?!??!?!

You know what I wasn't expecting to see nude in my entire life( well not entire life but you know what I mean) : Rihanna nude pictures, that's what. But here they are, in all their magnificent glory! I guess someone didn't want Cassie's nude pics to have the spotlight for themself. I'm pretty sure we can officially call this Nude Rihanna's first naked pics. Or could just call it AWESOME! Which Rihanna nude totally is. Island Def Jam records have reportedly asked that the "unauthorized photos" to be removed because they are a violation of the "artist's rights." Wich concludes us to say that the photos are real since they couldnt violated her rights if the photos weren't hers! she was stupid enough to have naked photos taken off her private. Well thats what you get for taking nude pics of yourself when you're a celebrity. The people are pretty sympathic to the fact that she took pics of herself unraped and some say that the pics are fake cause one of them, wich show one of her titties, dont show her face so it is very easy for someone to say those are her's too. Were they as sympathetic when Vanessa Hudgens nude photos were released? I dont think so. Rihanna has no one to blame but herself for this. She's been acting hella stupid lately (a gun tattoo? seriously?). some people are even going so far as to blame CHRIS BROWN for these pics. Um… by the looks of it she took them herself on her phone. Rihanna needs to start thinking…