Thursday, October 8, 2009

Scandals Are Also Good For Ratings

One thing is for sure! A scandal is good for ratings! Since David Letterman admitted to having a sexual relationship with more than one of his past employees on the Late Show his ratings have gone through the roof. Last Thursday 5.8 million people tuned in when Dave announced the extortion plot against him. On Monday, when Dave publically apologized to his wife Regina, 5.7 million people watched. There has been more information has about the man who threatened to expose Dave’s little affair with Stephanie Birkitt. As it turns out Robert Halderman wasn't only going for $2 million but also wanted revenge. He wanted to make Dave miserable, and he wanted to hurt Stephanie as well, because she broke his heart.

Stephanie, the woman in this story, has now been banned from going onto the CBS set where the Late Show is filmed.

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