Monday, December 14, 2009

Nobody Wants Chris Brown's New Album

Brown isn’t doing a very good job of controlling his anger and if I might add he never did. It has come to Chris Brown’s attention that some stores are not stacking his new album, Graffiti, and he’s not happy about it. On Friday, Chris ranted on Twitter, tweeting,and I quote "I'm tired of this crap. Major stores are blackballing my CD. Not stockin' the shelves and lying to costumers. What the fuck do I gotta do . . ."

He continued tweeting, "WTF . . . yeah I said it and I ain't retracting crap3. I'm not biting my tongue about this crap . . . the industry can kiss my ass." "For those people who are constantly tweeting me with bull crap . . . hop off my ****. Your life is pointless. For the young fans: Honestly, sorry for all the cursing. All my real fans: Love you . . . thanks for everything."

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