Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jealous Kourtney

Kourtney Kardashian is very jealous of her sister Kim, so jealous in fact that when Kim’s boyfriend, Reggie Bush told her he was going to propose to Kim over the holidays she screamed at him and told him he couldn’t propose to her because she’s going to give birth to her baby any day now and she doesn’t want any of the limelight to be stolen away from her. Her reaction caught Reggie off guard, but he didn’t want to fight with a pregnant lady so he agreed to wait until the New Year to propose to Kim. There’s always been underlying tension because Kourtney feels like she’s been playing second fiddle to Kim for so long. She was hoping that the last days of her pregnancy and the first few weeks with her newborn would be all about her. How selfish of her.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Athlete Of The Decade

Tiger Woods a été nommé golfeur de l'année par les chroniqueurs de golf américains. (Photo Getty)
Some good news for Tiger Woods. The Associated Press has named him Athlete of the Decade. Tiger received 56 of the 142 votes cast by editors at various U.S. newspapers. About half the votes came in after Tiger's Thanksgiving weekend debacle so obviously, a lot of people overlooked it and voted strictly on Tiger's athletic achievements. The AP says, quote, "For 10 incomparable years, no one ruled a sport like Woods. He won 64 times around the world, including 12 majors, and hoisted a trophy on every continent golf is played. He lost only one time with the lead going into the final round. His 56 PGA Tour victories in one incomparable decade were more than anyone except four of golf's greatest players won in their careers.” Lance Armstrong finished second with 33 votes . . . followed by tennis stud Roger Federer with 25, and aquatic stoner Michael Phelps with 13. Tom Brady rounded out the top 5 with six votes.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Home Sweet Marijuana

Apparently Lil Wayne is trying to sell his place in Miami, but he isn’t having much luck because it smells like marijuana. Someone who was interested in the place said that the agent told him, quote, "I have two questions: Are you offended by the smell of marijuana? And do you mind coming late in the afternoon? It's currently rented by Lil Wayne, and these are not morning people." Apparently when this person went to see the place it did in fact smell like weed and had several of Lil Wayne’s entourage just hanging out.

Nobody Wants Chris Brown's New Album

Brown isn’t doing a very good job of controlling his anger and if I might add he never did. It has come to Chris Brown’s attention that some stores are not stacking his new album, Graffiti, and he’s not happy about it. On Friday, Chris ranted on Twitter, tweeting,and I quote "I'm tired of this crap. Major stores are blackballing my CD. Not stockin' the shelves and lying to costumers. What the fuck do I gotta do . . ."

He continued tweeting, "WTF . . . yeah I said it and I ain't retracting crap3. I'm not biting my tongue about this crap . . . the industry can kiss my ass." "For those people who are constantly tweeting me with bull crap . . . hop off my ****. Your life is pointless. For the young fans: Honestly, sorry for all the cursing. All my real fans: Love you . . . thanks for everything."

Friday, December 11, 2009

Oh Tiger !

Tiger Woods a été victime d'un grave accident de voiture dans la nuit du 26 au 27 novembre 2009.I guess you guys have heard about the Tigers Woods saga by now, well a porno star named Holly Sampson is one of the many women who've supposedly slept with Tiger Woods. She hosted a live chat on a porno site earlier this year where she claimed she was having an affair with Tiger . . . and went into explicit detail. And by explicit, I really mean EXPLICIT.

Holly says she met Tiger at a bachelor party . . . and he was "really good" in bed. She said he would "die" if he knew she was on the internet talking about their sex life . . . but she doesn't care, because it's "not a big mystery.” She also said she can't remember Tiger Woods ever performed oral on her, but she does recall that he would "finish" in his condom. The show host asks porno star Holly Sampson if she and Tiger Woods had sex doggy style . . . and she says they didn't.