Friday, April 9, 2010

Hey ! Look Up It's A Tiger Woods Banner ?

This is hilarious! Someone paid for two planes to fly over the Masters tournament yesterday in Augusta trailing banners that read, “TIGER: DID YOU MEAN BOOTYISM?” AND “SEX ADDICT? YEAH. RIGHT. SURE. ME TOO!” The first one is a reference to Tiger’s claim that he was going to get back into Buddhism after his sex scandal broke.Poor Tiger, give the guy a chance.

Monday, March 15, 2010

The Great Beckham is Done

Video:The injury that ended it all

The man has been written about and argued about more than any other modern footballer. He has done some incredible things on the and off the pitch. He has made some very good and very bad decisions as well. Some hate him and some love him like no other.

When you listen to him speak...He is soft and unassuming. When you watch him play he is intense and sometimes brutal. He has always played to the best of his talent and I never did see him tank or slack or give up. His crosses and passes and kicks are the stuff of legend and will no doubt be the things we will always remember him by....That unbelievable " bend ".

His commitment to the game we all love will never be questioned either. Yes he went to America riding on a wave of expectation that was never really met....And even though he took LA to the finale...Many in America think he is a waste of time and money. When he came back last year...He was hated by his own fans. They screamed at him and threw stuff at him and brought rude signs to the games and said even ruder things about his wife. And he took it...Got pissed a little at Landon's book....But I watched him change the entire circus around from jeers to cheers in a few months. He did that by staying cool and playing very hard. At the end of games he was spent....And he was tired. It showed in the final with Real SL....But he still made the kicks over and over and his kick at the end he made as well....This loss had zero to do with Becks and everything to do with LA not being able to take advantage of his deliveries.

I respect him and consider him one of the best ever mids to play the sport....And a quiet but effective ambassador for the game all over the world. His work off the field is notable and is spreading good will and good practices with kids. I will never fault him for his media exploits and overkill. Give the guy a break....If you listen to Becks you will hear a simple man with simple desires that also likes to be open to new ideas. Big Ego? Yeah sure. Big heart? You bet.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's Bazaar How Sexy Megan Fox Is

Megan Fox Pictures from Harpers Bazaar

Here's Megan Fox looking also sultry and sexy in the new issue of Harper's Bazaar, a magazine with a stupidly lame pun. Anyways, the big stink in the gossip world right now is that Megan Fox told the magazine that she's only ever had sex with two guys, her High School sweetheart, and current boyfriend / maybe fiancé, Brian Austin Green. Naturally, no one believes a word she's saying. And no one should. If a girl that hot has actually only ever been with two guys, that is probably the cruelest joke the Universe has ever played on Mankind. But I'm sure she's just got her definitions of sex mixed up. She's probably not counting all the Oral and Anal.
Megan Fox Pictures from Harpers BazaarMegan Fox Pictures from Harpers BazaarMegan Fox Pictures from Harpers BazaarMegan Fox Pictures from Harpers BazaarMegan Fox Pictures from Harpers Bazaar

No More Drugs For Gaga

Lady Gaga spoke to the New York Times recently about the reasons why she quit drugs, and it all comes down to her fans. Lady Gaga reveals that she left her past behind because she "had to," adding, "For many reasons, like drugs. It's no secret that I have had problems with drugs in the past. And some places represent to me things in terms of my mental and physical health, so you learn to move on, to preserve what your mission in life is, and my greater mission is my fans." Gaga says she's very tight with her family, revealing, "It's hard knowing who to trust with your personal life. When you cry in your room at night, you don't always know who to call. So I am very close to my family." The pop star reveals that she talks about herself in the third person all the time, adding, "I don't live my life in the way someone like you does. I live my life completely serving only my work and my fans. And that way, I have to think about not what is best for my vagina but what is best for my fans and for me artistically."

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Wife Of Wyclef Jean Furious

Wyclef Jean et sa femme, Marie Claudinette © Getty Images

Wyclef Jean didn’t learn a thing from Tiger Woods. Three weeks ago Wycelf’s wife, Marie Claudinette found a naked picture of his business manager, Lisa Ellis on his cell phone. Marie freaked and made Wyclef fire her immediately. To embarrass Lisa Marie e-mailed the nude picture to a whole bunch of people in the music business. Now get this… Lisa denies that there’s anything going on between her and Wyclef, she says the picture was one that a photographer took of her for an art book and it was, in her words, “tastefully done.” Lisa also says the picture had nothing to do with her and Wyclef parting ways.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Vancouver 2010: The Top 10 Female Athletes in the Winter Olympics

It may have been cold and icy in Canada as the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games gets into its stride, but these top 10 beauties raised the temperature in the Olympic village.

10. Claudia Toth, Curling (Austria)


9. Lindsey Vonn, Downhill Skiing (U.S.A)


8. Allison Baver, Short Track Speed Skating (U.S.A.)


7. Chemmy Alcott, Alpine Skiing (Great Britain)


6. Noelle Pikus-Pace, Skeleton (U.S.A.)


5. Gretchen Bleiler, Snowboarding (U.S.A)


4. Julia Mancuso, Some Sort of Skiing (U.S.A.)


3. Speed Skating (Germany)

g (AP Photo/Bas Czerwinski),

2. Kiira Korpi, Figure Skate (Finland)


1. Tanith Belbin, Ice Dancing (U.S.A)


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Conan No More

You may have heard that NBC canceled The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien. You may also be aware that a mural of NBC stars at 30 Rock was recently altered, replacing Conan's face with that of Jay Leno. What you may not know, however, is that NBC has been busy rewriting. The network is in the process of erasing all Internet video evidence that the Conan version of Tonight ever existed. Website All Things Digital today reported that NBC has removed every episode of the show’s seven-month run from its site, as well as from Hulu and, apparently, YouTube. In fact, if you search for "Conan" on, you get zero results, other than incidentals like SNL mentioning him. That's kinda mean.