Monday, May 25, 2009


Who would let this beast with anger management issues hold their baby??????
The kid dont look happy and I dont blame him
Reported woman beater Chris Brown was seen shopping in L.A and stoped to take a pic with a baby. I think he just took the pic with the kid to just clean his bad image that the peoples and the media have since the Rihanna event.
The women beater went into a pet store first and I hope he was not looking into getting a dog. They don't deserve abuse either!
Luckily the baby is okay. Poor baby

Sunday, May 10, 2009

RIHANNA !?! NUDE ?!?!??!?!

You know what I wasn't expecting to see nude in my entire life( well not entire life but you know what I mean) : Rihanna nude pictures, that's what. But here they are, in all their magnificent glory! I guess someone didn't want Cassie's nude pics to have the spotlight for themself. I'm pretty sure we can officially call this Nude Rihanna's first naked pics. Or could just call it AWESOME! Which Rihanna nude totally is. Island Def Jam records have reportedly asked that the "unauthorized photos" to be removed because they are a violation of the "artist's rights." Wich concludes us to say that the photos are real since they couldnt violated her rights if the photos weren't hers! she was stupid enough to have naked photos taken off her private. Well thats what you get for taking nude pics of yourself when you're a celebrity. The people are pretty sympathic to the fact that she took pics of herself unraped and some say that the pics are fake cause one of them, wich show one of her titties, dont show her face so it is very easy for someone to say those are her's too. Were they as sympathetic when Vanessa Hudgens nude photos were released? I dont think so. Rihanna has no one to blame but herself for this. She's been acting hella stupid lately (a gun tattoo? seriously?). some people are even going so far as to blame CHRIS BROWN for these pics. Um… by the looks of it she took them herself on her phone. Rihanna needs to start thinking…